Integration of Channel Manager with various online booking platforms

Channel manager · 4 min read · Jun 30, 2023

Today, many hotels and accommodation providers rely on online booking platforms to reach a wider audience and increase their sales. To facilitate reservation management on these platforms, a tool called a Channel Manager is used. In this blog, we will explore how the Channel Manager integrates with various online platforms and why this is crucial.

What is a Channel Manager?

A Channel Manager is a tool that allows for the management of reservations and availability of accommodation units across multiple online booking platforms simultaneously.

Accommodation providers can synchronize their data, such as room availability, prices, and accommodation details, on different booking platforms like Booking, Airbnb, Expedia, Hostelworld, and others through the Channel Manager. This means that updates and changes made in the Channel Manager are automatically reflected on all platforms, reducing the risk of overbooking (when the same room is reserved on multiple platforms simultaneously).

Recommended reading:

What is a Channel Manager system? 9 tips for choosing the right Channel Manager

Why is Channel Manager integration important?

Integration of the Channel Manager with online booking platforms brings several advantages. Firstly, it provides better transparency and control over reservations. Accommodation providers can manage all bookings in one place, reducing errors and facilitating tracking of all processes. Secondly, integration enables real-time updating of prices and availability across all platforms. This is crucial for achieving competitive pricing and providing accurate information to guests.

Accommodation providers use Bentral Channel Manager

An increasing number of accommodation providers choose to use an efficient reservation management tool called Bentral Channel Manager. Bentral offers numerous benefits and functionalities:

  • User-friendly solution
  • Easy installation and usage
  • Reliable two-way connection with online platforms
  • Skilled and responsive support
  • Mobile solution for easy guest check-in via document scanning
  • Business automation
  • Compliant with Slovenian and Croatian legislation (integration with eTourism and eVisitor, fiscal cash register)
  • Free use of certain functionalities (guest check-in, guest book, statistical reporting, etc.)
  • Bentral Channel Manager has proven to be a reliable and effective tool for optimizing operations and achieving better results for accommodation providers. Try Bentral for free! Test it for 30 days without obligations.

Try Bentral for free!

Sign up and test it 30 days for free


How does Channel Manager integration with various online platforms work?

Integrating or connecting the Channel Manager with different online platforms is typically simple and straightforward.

Accommodation providers first select and sign up for the desired platforms where they want to advertise their accommodations. Then, they connect with the Channel Manager, which already maintains integrations with these platforms. Through the Channel Manager interface, accommodation providers can manage all data, such as room availability, prices, cancellation policies, etc., on all connected platforms.

The integration of the Channel Manager with various online booking platforms is crucial for successful sales management of accommodation providers. This process ensures that their information and data are up to date on all platforms where they are present. Additionally, it allows for easy management of multiple platforms simultaneously, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.

Example 1 (guide): How to connect Airbnb with Bentral Channel Manager

Example 2 (guide): How to connect Booking with Bentral Channel Manager

Frequency of data updates

When using the Channel Manager with various online platforms, it is crucial to have real-time and up-to-date data. This means that any changes regarding availability or prices made by the accommodation provider through the Channel Manager are immediately reflected on all connected platforms. This helps avoid issues with overbooking or incorrect information, which can negatively impact the guest experience and the reputation of the accommodation provider.

Furthermore, it is important to regularly monitor and update data in the Channel Manager. Accommodation providers need to ensure that data such as room availability, prices, and cancellation policies are always up to date and accurate. Regularly reviewing data and adjusting it based on changes in demand or seasonal factors is crucial for successful sales management on online platforms.


Integration of the Channel Manager with various online booking platforms is crucial for accommodation providers who want to reach a broader audience and increase their sales. This integration allows for easy management of availability, prices, and other important information on all connected platforms. It ensures data accuracy and consistent representation of accommodations across all platforms.

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