How to Boost Off-Season Bookings for Your Accommodation

Tips and tricks · 7 min read · Sep 21, 2023

Everyone is happy with the sales and the high number of bookings in high season. But what about when the low season comes, when demand is lower and everything seems to stop? There is no reason why the low season should be a period when your business is on pause. In fact, there are plenty of opportunities to continue to do well if only we adapt our strategies and offers.

Knowing that the high season is coming to an end certainly encourages you to think about how you can fill your spare capacity as much as possible during the low season. Although this period is difficult and sometimes even frustrating for property managers when statistics start to drop, you can really boost occupancy with the right strategies - from last minute bookings to tailored benefits.

Plus, even at a less popular time of year, you can profit as many travellers are looking for less visited and more affordable accommodation. So let’s take a look at the main strategies you can use to maximise your holiday home rental income in the low season.

Adjust your low-season pricing policy

If you want people to book your accommodation during the low season, consider lowering your prices. However, ensure that prices are set at an appropriate level during periods of lower demand and that low-season tariffs are attractive enough.

Even if you know that you have reached full occupancy, keep the same prices during weekends. On the other hand, do not discourage guests with high prices, as bookings will not happen.

In view of the above, pricing is left to your discretion and what your competitors are offering and pricing. Design a pricing plan that works by considering additional variables such as the price of previous bookings, the number of guests, their preferences for their stay, location, weather, holidays, etc.

Temporarily reduce minimum stay requirements

During the low season, it makes sense to offer more flexibility in terms of length of stay. This allows hosts to attract different groups of guests, including those looking for shorter breaks or last-minute travel.

By reducing the minimum number of nights, we give the opportunity to guests who just want a short escape from everyday life. A weekend break can appeal to couples, small groups of friends or families looking for a quick and easy solution for a short break.

Guests looking for last-minute accommodation often want to avoid committing to a longer stay. By reducing the minimum stay requirements, you can make your accommodation more attractive to this group of potential guests by offering them exactly what they need.

By adjusting the length of stay requirements, you not only show that you are a flexible host, but you also create a competitive advantage. Guests prefer accommodation that can meet their specific needs and preferences, so flexibility on minimum stay is a great tool to increase the appeal of your offer.

Focus on the right guests

During the low season, it is crucial to tailor your offer to the needs of the market. Statistics show that couples travel the most during this period. Responding to this fact by adapting our policies and pricing strategies makes sense.

Consider introducing special offers tailored to couples. If you have previously rented out a 4-person apartment, consider offering a reduced price for two people. This way you can adapt to the market’s changing needs and attract couples looking for a comfortable and affordable option.

Couples travelling in the low season often seek accommodation that offers privacy and comfort. It is therefore important to highlight in your offer the features that couples value most, such as private entrances, saunas, jacuzzi or fireplace, etc.

Offer discounts and promotions

We can all agree that there is no better feeling than discovering a phenomenal offer that saves money and offers something extra. This is exactly what you can offer to your future guests and make your occupancy calendar even fuller in the low season.

Take advantage of the power of discounts and promotions with campaigns such as “get one night free when you book three nights” or “30% off your entire visit”. Not only will such offers appeal to guests on a budget, but also to families, digital nomads and business groups.

Let’s consider another way to offer even more to potential guests: Highlighting the unique features of your accommodation. How about a room with a breathtaking mountain view or a unique feature that sets your offer apart from the rest? This will make guests feel they are getting more value for money.

And of course, let’s remember the power of social media these days. Organise short-term sales campaigns via social networks or other marketing channels to quickly boost your revenue. This is also a great opportunity to renew contact with previous guests or people who have shown interest but have not made a booking.

Refresh your listings on online booking platforms

Autumn is here, and winter will soon be knocking on our doors. Although your advert is still adorned with spring and summer photos, it’s time to refresh it with topical imagery that will transport potential guests to the magic of the current season. This is the only way to ensure that travellers feel connected to your accommodation’s current environment.

Focus on the positive features and extras your holiday accommodation offers in autumn and winter. Think about special touches that will give guests a festive atmosphere: a decorated Christmas tree, the cosy warmth of a fireplace or perhaps a kettle for making hot tea.

Also remember that the quality of the photos you use is crucial. High-quality images that show your space clearly and invitingly can significantly increase the chances of guests choosing your accommodation.

Clear and concise descriptions will add the icing on the cake to your offer, and sharing links to your listings on social media will increase your visibility and attract more guests.

Keep your listing updated - refresh it regularly to show potential guests that your accommodation is the ideal choice for their next holiday, whatever the season.

An opportunity for education and technology upgrades

Low season is not only a time to adapt your offer and attract guests with special benefits, but also an opportunity to learn and improve. This is the ideal time to start implementing new IT systems that will simplify our business and save us valuable time.

Consider integrating a system such as Bentral’s reservation system or channel manager, which allows centralised management of different sales channels, avoiding double bookings and making it easier to monitor availability. The system can help you automate routine tasks, adjust prices and monitor the performance of your offer across platforms. This will allow you to better use your time for other, more important tasks - such as refining your catering offer or preparing strategies for the upcoming high season.

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Use the low season to learn new things and improve your business. By implementing modern solutions, you will simplify your work and improve your guests’ experience. This will lay a solid foundation for a successful and fruitful season ahead.


The low season doesn’t have to be a period of decline and inactivity; on the contrary, it can be a time when your business not only maintains its momentum, but also thrives with the help of clever strategies and adjustments. You can ensure consistent occupancy and guest satisfaction by lowering prices, adjusting to minimum number of nights, focusing on specific groups of guests, offering attractive discounts and promotions, and refreshing your listings on online platforms. In addition, this is the right time to educate and technologically upgrade your business, which will lay a solid foundation for the upcoming high season. Whatever the challenges of the low season, you have all the tools and knowledge you need to turn it into a time of opportunity and growth. Seize the opportunity and prepare for success that will last all year long!

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