Discover Exciting Updates in Airbnb's Winter Release 2023

Sales channels · 4 min read · Nov 22, 2023

Have you noticed what’s new on Airbnb? Only these are now available in the winter edition of 2023, where at the forefront is a strategic step to increase competition among hosts with a desire to offer higher quality at more competitive prices. A vital part of this strategy is the introduction of the “Guest Favourite” tag, which questions the existing Super host status and reshapes the search hierarchy.

Airbnb brings hosts pricing tools based on market intelligence to help them set their prices correctly. However, these tools are quietly encouraging hosts to lower their prices. Another innovation is disclosing the “value for money” rating in public reviews, increasing the pressure on hosts when setting prices. Understanding and adapting to these changes is critical for Airbnb hosts, so let’s look below at the main changes and how they might affect your business.

To simplify the accommodation search, Airbnb introduced the “Guest Favourite” badge - an award given to the platform’s two million most popular homes. Each accommodation is guaranteed to meet the highest standards based on ratings, reviews and reliability.

Guest favourite are not only those with high ratings - their average rating exceeds 4.9 stars - but they are also outstanding for ease of check-in, cleanliness, accuracy of description, host communication, location and value they offer. In addition, they are extremely reliable, with an average failure rate of less than 1%. A significant proportion of these accommodations are managed by Super hosts, who are known for their exceptional hospitality.

Favourite accommodations on Airbnb can be seen with a special “Guest Favourite” label on the search engine itself, and an option has been added to the filter for faster search results.

New look for Airbnb reviews

Guests can now view reviews more precisely. They can filter reviews based on two key factors: most recent and highest rated. This means that guests can choose whether they want to see the latest reviews or focus on the top-rated properties. This feature provides better insight into the experiences of past guests.

The new rating distribution chart feature allows guests to understand how ratings are distributed among different accommodations visually. Clearly presenting a rating range from 1 to 5 stars makes it easier for guests to compare and choose different options based on their preferences.

Ratings are now even more informative and comprehensive. They include detailed information about the assessee, including the duration of their trip and information about fellow passengers. This allows guests to understand the context of the review better and assess whether it meets their expectations and needs.

A set of practical tools to create premium listings

Listing editor

It’s a friendly interface designed to allow hosts to describe their accommodations in detail. This means that hosts can specify everything that is important to their guests, including a description of the equipment available and details of how the rooms are arranged for sleeping. This feature gives guests a complete picture of what to expect during their stay.

AI-powered photo tour

It is an innovative feature that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to organize photos according to individual rooms in the property. This gives guests a better idea of the layout of the home. Instead of randomly arranging photos, the AI ensures that they are arranged to clearly show each room, making it easier for guests to get a realistic impression of what the accommodation looks like.

Smart lock integration

This feature is (for now) available to hosts in the US and Canada and allows them to use a smart lock for their guests. This means hosts can create unique digital entry codes for their guests.

Enhancements Galore: Hosts Get Even More Upgrades

Price Visibility

It is now more transparent for hosts as they can see prices, including service charges, giving them a better view of the total payment made by guests. This helps with transparency and understanding of the costs guests pay during the booking process.

Price comparison

Hosts can now compare their rates directly with the rates of similar listings in their calendars. This will help you better understand how your prices compare to competing offers so you can adjust your prices as needed.

New earnings dashboard

The redesigned host dashboard offers detailed earnings analysis. Hosts have customizable reports and filters that allow them to monitor their revenue accurately and manage their business better.

Co-host payout options

Hosts now have more flexibility in sharing payouts with co-hosts. This means they can more precisely determine how revenue is shared among their team members, making it easier to collaborate and manage more extensive or complex properties.

Improved co-host messaging

The new inbox feature allows hosts and co-hosts to coordinate better and communicate. These messaging tools facilitate information sharing and planning among all involved in property management, contributing to better organization and hospitality.

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